2024-04-27 10:08 (토)
유럽연합, 그리스에 추가 자금지원 방안 검토
유럽연합, 그리스에 추가 자금지원 방안 검토
  • 김희광 기자
  • 승인 2011.06.15 07:29
  • 댓글 0
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유럽의 재무장관들이 작년에 그리스에 제공한 1,100억 유로 (미화 1,590억 달러) 에 추가해서 구제금융을 지원할 것인지 논란을 벌리고 있다 (사진제공=AP통신)
[브뤼셀=AP/KNS] 신용도로 볼 때 현재 그리스는 외로운 처지에 놓여 있다.

스탠더드 앤드 푸어스가 13일 하향조정한 그리스의 신용등급 “CCC"는 세계 131개 채무국가운데 131위로 강등한다는 것을 의미하며 채권자들은 파키스탄, 에콰도르, 자메이카 보다 더 자금을 회수할 수 있는 가능성이 낮아 보인다.

막대한 채무부담에도 불구하고 2009년 1월까지도 뛰어난 신용등급 “A”를 유지하던 그리스의 급격한 신용등급 하락은 너무 놀라운 일이다. 그리스가 2001년 유로존 회원이 됨으로써 1829년 독립이후 계속해서 지급불능사태를 격은 나라가 위태로운 사태에서 보호받는 다는 뜻을 내포하고 있기 때문이다.

현재 유럽의 고위 재무관리들은 작년에 그리스에 제공한 1,100억 유로 (미화 1,590억 달러) 에 추가해서 구제금융을 지원할 것인지 논란을 벌리고 있다. 추가적 자금 수혈 없이는 그리스는 채권자들에게 대해 채무 불이행이 불가피할 것이다.

룩셈부르크 뤼크 프리든 재무장관은 브뤼셀에서 유럽의 재무장관들과의 회의를 마치고 나서 “그리스에 대해 더 엄격한 조건으로 지원 페키지에 합의할 것으로 믿는다”고 말했다.

그리스정부의 긴축조치에 항의하는 시위를 벌리고 있는 시위대 (시진제공=AP통신) 

(영문기사 원문)
Europe seeks new ways to tackle Greece's debt load

BRUSSELS (AP) — When it comes to credit worthiness, Greece  suddenly finds itself in a very lonely place.

"CCC" is the label rating agency Standard &Poor's slapped on the country Monday night, dropping it to rank 131 of 131 states that have a sovereign debt rating. That suggests Greece's creditors are less likely to get their money back than those of Pakistan, Ecuador or Jamaica.

It's an astonishing low for Greece. As recently as January 2009, the country still had a stellar A rating despite a hefty debt burden. Becoming a member of the euro club in 2001 was meant to insulate Greece from its precarious financial history, which has seen it in default for much of the time since independence in 1829.

Now, Europe's top financial officials are debating whether they are going to hand Greece more money in addition to last year's €110 billion ($159 billion) bailout. Without another cash injection, the country won't be able to repay its creditors and a default will become inevitable.

“I believe that we will all agree on an aid package for Greece, under strict conditions," Luxembourg Finance Minister Luc Frieden said Tuesday night, after a meeting with his European counterparts in Brussels.

But this time around, the rescue may be a little different. A new package of rescue loans for the country will only come if banks and investment funds share a substantial part of the burden, rich countries like Germany and the Netherlands insist.

That's a fundamental change of approach from just a year ago. The knee-jerk response from EU ministers until recently was that banks would be spared the cost of bailing out euro countries, partly for fear of damage to their balance sheets, which have only just been repaired following the financial crisis and subsequent recession.

Ratings agency S&P says getting the private sector to share the burden could see Greece downgraded to an "SD" rating, or selected default. That's a rating that's never been held by any country while part of the European Union and which the European Central Bank warns could spread panic on financial markets, pummel Greek banks and drag down other struggling countries like Portugal, Ireland or Spain.

At their get-together in Brussels, ministers did not reach a deal on how to involve private creditors in a new bailout for Greece without triggering a default, but Frieden stressed that any approach would have to prevent the crisis from spreading any further.

"One always has to be aware that some things can be beneficial in the short-run but have devastating consequences in the long run," he told reporters, adding that ministers hoped to reach a final deal within the next two weeks.

Other commentators, however, questioned whether a partial default by Greece would really have such terrible consequences, with Greek bonds trading far below their original prices.

"The question is, to what extent does it matter that on the website of Standard &Poor's there is a note that says 'we think that Greece is in selected default'?," said Daniel Gros, director of the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels and a former economist at the International Monetary Fund. "Is that, in the end, so terrible that we have to avoid it at all cost?"

Gros believes that the debate about private-creditor involvement may be an opportunity to test market reaction to the bigger question: a full default that forces banks and investment funds to cut the total amount of money they are owed by Greece, rather than just giving the country more time to repay.

"It would basically be a first step and if the first step doesn't cause pandemonium then maybe the way is free for a more intelligent restructuring," he said.

Under such a restructuring, which has consistently been ruled out by European policymakers, investors will likely get only 30 percent to 50 percent of their money back, S&P estimated.

No one disputes that Greece is in deep trouble.

Its debt will reach some 160 percent of economic output by the end of this year, unemployment is above 16 percent and its economy is expected to shrink 3.7 percent this year, following a 4.5 percent contraction in 2010.

The problem is that as its economy contracts, the debt burden increases as a percentage of national income. Austerity measures that are meant to make its economy more competitive are in the short-term hurting much-needed growth. And though the country's current debt ratio is lower than others — Japan's, for example — Athens mainly owes money to overseas investors.

Greece's task is difficult enough. Debt crises of the type Greece is experiencing often end up in default, partly because there comes a point when the pain is just too much to bear.

Investors currently demand interest rates of close to 17.5 percent for Greece's 10-year bonds, which is why the country remains effectively locked out of international debt markets, relying on other eurozone countries and the IMF to pay its bills.

Between now and 2014, Greece has to repay some €153 billion in debt, S&P estimated Monday, far above the €53 billion still left over in the existing bailout package. The voluntary private creditor involvement would likely only make a small dent in the total amount of new money required, possibly some €10 billion, Gros said.

As well as French and German banks being exposed to Greek debt, U.S. companies are in the firing line too, since they are the ones selling most default insurance policies.

"This is why there is a risk of a 'Lehman moment' in the eurozone debt and banking crisis," said Neil MacKinnon, global macro strategist at VTB Capital.


김희광 기자 april4241@naver.com

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