2024-04-29 08:11 (월)
푸틴, 러시아 대선 승리 선언...미.유럽과 시리아 문제 등 놓고 대립각 세울 듯
푸틴, 러시아 대선 승리 선언...미.유럽과 시리아 문제 등 놓고 대립각 세울 듯
  • 김희광 기자
  • 승인 2012.03.05 10:09
  • 댓글 0
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A tearful Putin claims Russian election victory





[모스크바==AP/KNS뉴스통신] 4일 (현지시간) 실시된 대선 투표에서 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 총리가 완전 승리하면서 앞으로 6년 러시아를 이끌게 됐다.

그는 "우리는 러시아의 주권을 무너트리고 권력을 찬탈하려는 적들에게 승리했다“ 고 구름처럼 모인 지지자들에게 역설했다. 푸틴은 연설 도중 눈물을 비치기도 했다.

푸틴은 권력을 쥐고 있는 과거 12년 동안 자신만이 안정되고 강한 러시아를 구축할 수 있다는 긍정적 이미지를 심어주면서 승리가 확실시 되어 왔다.

푸틴 총리는 이날 투표 종료 후 개표가 4분의 1이 끝나자 모스크바 크렘린궁 바로 옆에서 수만 명 이상의 지지자가 운집한 가운데 승리를 선포하고 "우리는 공개적이고 정직한 선거에서 완벽하게 승리했다"고 강조했다.

서방은 푸틴이 대통령 선거에서 승리로 미국의 유럽 미사일 방어망 구축에 반대하고 시리아에 대한 국제적인 군사개입에 저항할 것으로 관측하고 있다.

푸틴은 “러시아에 영광을”을 왜치며 그의 승리를 축하했다.

(영문기사 원문)

A tearful Putin claims Russian election victory

MOSCOW (AP) — Vladimir Putin swept Sunday's presidential election to return to the Kremlin and extend his hold over Russia for six more years, incomplete returns showed. His eyes brimming with tears, he defiantly proclaimed to a sea of supporters that they had triumphed over opponents intent on "destroying Russia's statehood and usurping power."

Putin's win was never in doubt as many across the vast country still see him as a guarantor of stability and the defender of a strong Russia against a hostile world, an image he has carefully cultivated during 12 years in power.

Exit polls cited by state television predicted Putin would get about 59 percent of the vote. With more than 80 percent of precincts counted nationwide, Putin was leading with 65 percent, the Central Election Commission said. Complete results were expected Monday.

Accounts by independent observers of extensive vote-rigging, however, looked set to strengthen the resolve of opposition forces whose unprecedented protests in recent months have posed the first serious challenge to Putin's heavy-handed rule. Another huge demonstration was set for Monday evening in central Moscow.

Putin declared victory when fewer than a quarter of the votes had been counted. He spoke to tens of thousands of supporters at a rally just outside the Kremlin walls. Many of them were government workers or employees of state-owned companies who had been   ordered to attend.

"I promised that we would win and we have won!" Putin shouted to the flag-waving crowd. "We have won in an open and honest struggle."
Putin, 59, said the election showed that "our people can easily distinguish a desire for renewal and revival   from political provocations aimed at destroying Russia's statehood and usurping power."

The West can expect Putin to continue the tough policies he has pursued even as prime minister, including opposing U.S. plans to build a missile shield in Europe and resisting international military intervention in Syria.

He ended his speech with the triumphant declaration: "Glory to Russia!"


김희광 기자 april4241@naver.com

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