2024-04-28 08:24 (일)
레이디 가가, 청년지원 '본 디스 웨이' 재단 하버드에 설립
레이디 가가, 청년지원 '본 디스 웨이' 재단 하버드에 설립
  • 김희광 기자
  • 승인 2012.03.01 12:23
  • 댓글 0
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Lady Gaga at Harvard, launches youth foundation
















[케임브리지, 매사추세츠=AP/KNS뉴스통신] 팝가수 레이디 가가가 29일 젊은이들에게 용기를 북돋아 주기위해 그녀의 든든한 지지자들과 함께 하버드 대학을 방문했다.

오프라 윈프리, 정신적 지도자 디팩 초프라, 캐슬린 시벨리우스 보건 복지부 장관이 레이디 가가의 어머니가 운영할 ‘본 디스 웨이‘ 재단을 출범시키기 위해 동행했다.

레이디 가가는 하버드에 모인 1,100명의 주정부 관리와 젊은 초대객들에게 ‘비열과 잔악“에 도전할 것을 촉구했다.

이 재단은 2011년 가가의 히트송 앨범을 따라서 명명됐다. 이 히트송은 자신의 임파워먼트를 장려하는 노래인데 동성애자의 프라이드를 노래하는 송가가 되고 있다.

재단의 출범을 지지한 윈프리는 이 재단이 친절함, 동정심, 임파워먼트와 감수함이라는 자신이 주장하는 핵심적 가치관에 부합하기 때문이라고 그 이유를 들었다.

가가는 그녀의 어머니 신시아 저머노타와 함께 재단을 운영할 것으로 그녀의 어머니가 재단의 회장으로 봉사한다.

그녀는 우리는 괴롭힘과 폭력을 막을 방법을 알고 있지 않다. 그러나 용기와 친절을 실천하고 버림받거나 괴롭힘에 시달리는 이들을 보호하고 육성하는 노력을 각자가 실천 해주기를 바란다고 모인 젊은이들에게 말했다.

(영문기사 원문)

Lady Gaga at Harvard, launches youth foundation

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (AP) — Pop star Lady Gaga descended on Harvard University with some powerful friends Wednesday to launch her new foundation aimed at empowering young people.

The singer was   joined by Oprah Winfrey, spiritual leader Deepak Chopra, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to kick off the Born This Way Foundation that Gaga's mother and inspiration will help steer.

Gaga spoke to more than 1 ,100 students  from several states, faculty and invited guests at Harvard, urging the young audience to "challenge meanness and cruelty."

She reminded them that there is no law to make people be kind to one another and added: "I wish there was because, you know, I'd be chained naked to a fence   where trying to pass it."

The foundation is named after Gaga's 2011 album and hit song. The song promotes self-empowerment and has become an anthem for gay pride.

Winfrey said she supports the foundation because its message aligns with many of her core beliefs, including kindness, compassion, empowerment and acceptance. The famous talk-show host interviewed the singer on stage about the foundation.

Gaga said she received an onslaught of letters and emails  from people who said such things as, "I want there to be more tolerance in the universe. I want there to be more acceptance."

Gaga said her mother, Cynthia Germanotta, inspired her to start the foundation. Germanotta will serve as its president.

"She is the sole reason that I am here today. She has always believed in me. She has always been my support, and she makes me want to inject that sense of family and support into the world," Gaga said.

The singer gave few specifics about how the foundation will operate.

She said the foundation is working with a new media agency to  create a social media environment that fosters the foundation's goals.

She said the "Born Brave Bus" will follow her tour bus around the country and will "welcome anyone  from any walk of life" to "talk about love, acceptance, kindness" and other goals of the foundation.

"I want this to be an organization  where you all feel involved," she said.

Gaga, 25, known for her attention-getting fashion, wore a sleek, black backless dress, platform shoes and a tall black hat.

She repeatedly told the crowd that she does not have the answers for how to stop bullying and prevent violence. She urged students to go back to their communities and do "simple acts of kindness" to help foster acceptance, tolerance and individuality.



김희광 기자 april4241@naver.com

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