2024-04-26 22:30 (금)
브라질국민들 소금.당분.칼로리 과 섭치하고 있다
브라질국민들 소금.당분.칼로리 과 섭치하고 있다
  • 박세호기자
  • 승인 2011.07.29 13:50
  • 댓글 0
이 기사를 공유합니다

Brazilians consume too much salt, sugar and calories: study

브라질국민들은 영양이 부족한 고 칼로리의 정크 푸드(junk food: 부실 음식)에 더하여 너무 많은 '라이스 앤 빈(rice and beans)'을 먹고 있다고 브라질 지리통계국(IBGE)에서 7월 28일 발표된 한 연구보고서에서 밝히고 있다.

이 연구에 따르면 브라질 국민의 90%이상이 매일 보건성 권장 수준(400g)보다 낮은 분량의 과일과 채소를 먹고 있다. 그리고 단 음료수(주스, 과일주, 소프트 드링크)의 섭취는 보건성 권장치의 2배 수준에 이르고  있다.                                                                                                                                          

<이하 부분 번역 생략>

[신화통신, 원문]

RIO DE JANEIRO, July 28 (Xinhua) -- Brazilians are eating a lot of rice and beans as well as high-calorie junk food lacking nutrition, a study released Thursday by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) found.

According to the study, over 90 percent of Brazilians eat daily helpings of fruits and vegetables lower than the levels recommended by the Health Ministry (400 grams). Also, the consumption of sugary drinks (juices, fruit drinks and soft drinks) is twice as high as recommended by the ministry.

Rice and beans, along with coffee and juices, are the most popular in Brazilians' diet. Teenagers are the main consumers of those drinks, drinking twice as much as adults. Men eat less greens and fruits than women, but drink five times more alcohol.

In urban areas, the consumption of beer, soft drinks, sandwiches, and salty bread is higher. Brazilians in rural areas have a healthier diet, richer in rice, beans, fish, cassava flour, and sweet potatoes.

Along with a lack of physical activity, the Brazilians' poor diet was cited as one of the main causes of obesity in the country. According to a Health Ministry study published in April, 48 percent of Brazilians are overweight, and 15 percent are obese. Enditem


박세호기자 bc457@naver.com

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