2024-04-25 07:56 (목)
차베스, 2012년 대통령 선거 출마...지지율 50%
차베스, 2012년 대통령 선거 출마...지지율 50%
  • 김희광 기자
  • 승인 2011.07.26 11:40
  • 댓글 0
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Chavez set on 2012 re-election bid despite cancer





[카라카스=AP/KNS뉴스통신] 지난 25일 우고 차베스 베네수엘라 대통령은  "내년에 실시하는 대통령선거에서 승리할 것이다"며 "현재 암 투병이 자신의 정치 활동을 강화하는데 도움이 되고 있다"고 말했다.

차베스 대통령은 2012년 선거에 앞서 암 투병으로 자신의 결의가 더 굳어 졌다고 국영방송에 전화로 알려왔다.

차베스 대통령은 “나는 암이 하나의 시험이며 혁명동지들이 단결하여 정부의 업무에 헌신하고 있는 것을 느낀다”고 말했다.

좌파인 차베스 대통령은 1999년 이래 정권을 잡고 있으며 차기 6년 임기를 위해 대통령선거에 나설 것으로 예측되고 있다. 지난 주 발표된 여론조사결과 차베스 대통령의 지지율이 50%로 나타났다.

(영문기사 원문)

Chavez set on 2012 re-election bid despite cancer

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez vowed on Monday to win re-election next year, saying his struggle with cancer is helping to strengthen his political movement.

Chavez said in a telephone call on state television that his illness has boosted his resolve ahead of the 2012 vote.
"I think my sudden and grave, well, delicate illness has been a test," Chavez said. "What I smell in the revolutionary ranks is more unity in the government, commitment."

Chavez, who earlier this month appealed for unity before traveling to Cuba for cancer treatment, also said he doesn't see any divisions in the military.

"The Armed Force is there demonstrating firmness, loyalty, strength," Chavez said in his call to an evening talk show.

Some analysts have suggested divisions could grow among Chavez's allies if his illness worsens.

"This revolution is continuing onward... and I will remain at the front," Chavez said. "I don't have any doubt that I'm going to be the candidate, and I don't have any doubt that the people are going to re-elect me president  from 2013 to 2019."

Chavez extended that time frame in an interview published Monday in the government newspaper Correo del Orinoco, saying: "I'm resolved to reach 2031."

The leftist president has been in office since 1999 and is seeking another six-year term. He has suggested in the past that he hopes to keep winning re-election to remain president for many years to come. He has vaguely mentioned various dates, ranging  from 2021 to 2031.

A poll released last week said Chavez's public approval rating remains at 50 percent and hasn't significantly varied since his cancer diagnosis.


김희광 기자 april4241@naver.com

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