리비아 반군 석유수출 잠시 중단 [AP통신]

2011-04-25     김희광 기자

24일 리비아 반정부군의 석유장관은 관할하고 있는 유전의 석유채굴 펌프가 전투로 파괴되어 수리를 해야 한다면서 파괴된 펌프의 상태를 파악하고 수리조치를 취했다 고 말했으나 반군은 귀중한 에너지자원과 자금을 보존하려는 조치를 취하고 있는 것처럼 보인다.

OPEC 회원국이며 아프리카에서 가장 많은 석유매장량을 갖고 있는 리비아는 최근 시위사태로 리비아의 석유가 국제시장에서 사라짐으로써 유가가 2년 내 최고가를 기록하고 있다.

이달 초, 카타르가 리비아 석유 1백만 배럴의 매매거래를 성사시켜 반군이 1억2천9백만 달러의 수입을 올렸으나 자금이 휘발유 수입에 소비된 것으로 알려 졌다.

현재 반군이 사용하고 있는 기름은 보조금에 의지하고 있기 때문에 현재의 소비수준을 유지할 수 없어 보인다. 그러나 반군 지휘부는 카다피에 대해서 자신들이 통치능력과 석유의 배급을 연계해서 보여주려고 하고 있는 것 같다.

동부지역의 전력사정도 어려워 보이는데 그 이유로써 카다피가 발전에 필요한 천연가스 공급을 중단했기 때문이며 사태를 완화하기 위해 반군은 동부 관할 지역에 제한 송전을 실시하고 있다.
반군의 통제 하에 있는 두 유전의 총 매장량은 150억 배럴이며 일일 생산량은 40만 배럴에 달한다.


(영문기사 원문)

Libyan rebel oil production down for 4 more weeks

BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — Libyan rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi won't be able to produce more crude oil for at least another four weeks and are taking steps to conserve precious supplies of fuel and money, the top oil official in the breakaway east said Sunday.

The rebels need to repair equipment to pump oil from two key fields in the rebel-controlled east, Messla and Sarir, that were damaged in fighting, said Wahid Bughaigis, who serves as oil minister for the rebels.

"We just finished the assessment, and we are in the process of mobilizing the repairs," Bughaigis told reporters in Benghazi, the de facto capital of the rebel-held east. "We believe we need a minimum of four weeks to get back on stream."

OPEC-member Libya sits atop Africa's largest proven oil reserves. But Libyan exports have largely disappeared from the international market since the uprising began, helping drive oil prices to their highest levels in more than two years.

Earlier this month, the Gulf state of Qatar helped rebels complete the sale of 1 million barrels of crude that netted roughly $129 million for the anti-Gadhafi forces.
But Bughaigis said he believed the rebels have spent much of that money on things like imported gasoline.

"To put things in perspective, one cargo of gasoline of 25,000 metric tons costs us $75 million, so you don't go far with $129 million," he said.
Gasoline is sold at highly subsidized prices in eastern Libya. But Bughaigis said the rebels may have to re-examine whether the current consumption is sustainable.
"If it was only up to me, I would certainly put some rationing into the system, but we don't want to give any satisfaction to Mr. Gadhafi," said Bughaigis. "We want to show him we can run the country."

To conserve fuel, the rebels have cut electricity production in Benghazi by 25 percent, said Bughaigis. The main plant providing power to the city used to be run with natural gas supplied from the oil facilities in Brega, now under government control.

Now power plants are must rely on imported diesel fuel, he said.

The reduction in electricity production, which has been achieved by cutting power for up to 3.5 hours in different parts of the city, is meant to give the rebels "some breathing time between arrivals of tankers," said Bughaigis.

"We didn't have this problem when the gas was supplied to the plants, but now we have to supply it (diesel) by sea and get it from the road," he said.

The 12 billion-barrel Sarir oil field is the country's largest, and Messla has 3 billion barrels. The two fields have a production capacity of about 400,000 barrels per day.