차베스 "사회주의 개혁에 강한 드라이브 걸겠다"

Chavez prays, vows to speed socialist drive

2011-07-13     김희광 기자

[카라카스=AP/KNS뉴스통신] 베네수엘라 우고 차베스 대통령이 12일 가톨릭 미사에 참석하여 자신은 건강을 완전히 회복할 것이며 권력을 이양할 뜻이 없다고 강조하고 베네수엘라의 사회주의 개혁에 강한 드라이브를 걸겠다고 밝혔다.

로마 가톨릭 지도자들과 자주 충돌을 빗어온 차베스 대통령은 자신은 기독교도이며 하느님께서 사회주의에 동조할 것으로 믿는다고 말했다.

12일(현지시간) 국립대학 한 기념식에 참석한 차베스 대통령은 국영TV와의 전화 인터뷰에서 "반대파와 반혁명 지도자들은 '차베스가 다 됐다, 죽어가고 있다. 권력을 넘길 때가 됐다"고 떠들어 대고 있다고 말했다.

그러면서 하느님의 은총과 국민의 의지로 우리는 이겨낼 것이라고 말하고 지금은 자본주의 모델에서 사회주의 모델로의 이양을 빠르게 추진할 때라고 말했다.

차베스 대통령은 2012년 선거에 대비해서 자신의 트위터를 통해 적극적으로 메시지를 올리고 있고 지난 수일 동안 활발하게 활동하는 모습을 보이고 있다.

(영문기사 원문)

Chavez prays, vows to speed socialist drive

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez attended Mass on Tuesday,  joining supporters and aides in praying for his recovery after undergoing cancer surgery.

Chavez expressed confidence he will bounce back, promising supporters at an earlier event that he plans to remain in the presidency and accelerate his drive for socialism in Venezuela.

At the Mass held in Caracas' Military Academy, Chavez led a brief prayer and then closed his eyes as he listened to a priest speak. The priest, Mario Moronta, said he would administer the sacrament of anointing the sick to Chavez, saying it was to give strength "to beat the illness."

"There is no need to be afraid. Six years ago they did it to me twice. I was more there than here, and look  where I am," said Moronta, who is a personal friend of the president.

He made a cross in oil on Chavez's forehead. Visibly moved, the president put his palms together and hugged the priest.

Chavez has clashed at times with Roman Catholic leaders in Venezuela but says he is a Christian and believes Jesus stood for principles similar to those of socialism.

Earlier in the day, Chavez assured supporters that he is doing better after the June 20 surgery in Cuba and intends "to accompany you for many years more."

"The opposition and the counterrevolution are crying out that Chavez is done for, that he's dying... that he'll have to hand over, that the transition is coming," Chavez said on state television, speaking in a phone call to a ceremony at a state-run university.

"Well, I'm going to tell you, with the grace of God and the will that we have, we're going to rise above all of this," Chavez added. "The only transition that's under way and that we have to accelerate and consolidate is the transition   from the capitalist model ... to the socialist model."

It was the latest in a series of appearances by Chavez, who a day earlier was filmed doing stretching exercises with aides and military officers.

"One, two, three," Chavez said, wearing a warm-up suit as he led the  group twisting side-to-side and swinging his arms in circles. Footage of the exercise session was aired on state television shortly before Tuesday's Mass.

Chavez, who is up for re-election in December 2012, has been actively posting messages on Twitter and has appeared on television in the past several days addressing troops and leading a Cabinet meeting.