2024-04-25 22:44 (목)
[AP통신] Police: Drinking preceded Russian roulette death
[AP통신] Police: Drinking preceded Russian roulette death
  • AP통신
  • 승인 2011.03.08 13:48
  • 댓글 0
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경찰: 음주후 러시안 룰렛 사망

Police: Drinking preceded Russian roulette death

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Authorities say a soldier told police a fellow soldier asked for a bullet to put in a gun's empty chamber before he fatally shot himself during a drunken game of Russian roulette.

Jacob Brouch is charged with second-degree murder in the death of his 26-year-old Army friend — Michael McCloskey — following the early Sunday shooting at Brouch's home in Eagle River, an Anchorage suburb.

Police say the men posed for Facebook photos with a revolver belonging to then 25-year-old Brouch, then were playing Russian roulette when McCloskey shot himself in his stomach.

McCloskey died soon after at an Anchorage hospital.
Brouch appeared in court Monday.

음주 후 게임으로 황천길 가다

앵커리지, 알래스카 (AP) - 미국에서 술을 마시고 러시안룰렛게임을 하던 친구 두명 중 한명이 자신에게 실탄을 쏘아 사망한 사고가 발생했다.

현지 경찰 당국에 따르면 마이클 맥 클로스키라는 이름의 이 남자는 친구와 술을 마신 후 러시안룰렛게임 하던 중 친구에게 총탄 한발을 달라고 해 스스로에게 쏜 것으로 알려졌다.

함께했던 마이클에게 총탄을 건낸 친구는 2급 살인혐의로 기소되어 지난 7일 법원에 출두했다.

AP통신 http://www.ap.org

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