2024-04-19 20:57 (금)
중국 열차 추돌, 21시간만에 객차서 2살 여아 극적 구조
중국 열차 추돌, 21시간만에 객차서 2살 여아 극적 구조
  • 김희광 기자
  • 승인 2011.07.25 10:15
  • 댓글 0
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[베이징=AP/KNS뉴스통신] 23일 중국 고속열차 추돌사고로 35명의 사망자와 190명의 부상자가 발생한지  21시간이 지난 이후 객차 내에서 2세 여아가 구출됐다.

신화통신은 24일 아침 일찍 구조대가 객차 내에서 구조작업을 거의 끝내는 시점에서 무의식상태의 여아를 발견했다고 보도했다.

25일 신화통신은 구조된 여아는 앞에 달리던 열차의 마지막객차에 부모와 함께 타고 있었으며 부모의 생존여부는 아직 알려지지 않고 있다고 전했다.

(영문기사 원문)

Toddler found alive in rubble of China train crash

BEIJING (AP) — A toddler was rescued about 21 hours after a crash involving two high-speed trains in eastern China killed at least 35 people and injured more than 190 others, state media reported.

Xinhua News Agency said the unconscious child was found early Sunday evening while rescuers were clearing one of the train cars just as the cleanup efforts were almost completed. It cited an unnamed firefighter in its report Sunday.

The China Daily newspaper said Monday that the child was a 2-year-old girl, Xiang Weiyi, who suffered no apparent injuries after being trapped in the last carriage of the train, which had stalled and was hit   from behind by the second train.

The newspaper quoted the girl's uncle as saying she had been traveling with her parents and that he did not know if they had survived.


김희광 기자 april4241@naver.com

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