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"지루해서", 룰즈섹 해킹 중단 이유
"지루해서", 룰즈섹 해킹 중단 이유
  • 김희광 기자
  • 승인 2011.06.27 17:42
  • 댓글 0
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LulzSec member says group is 'bored'

[뉴욕=AP/KNS] 최근 2개월 동안 미국 당국이 웹사이트를 해킹해 유명해진 해커집단이 해체를 선언한 데 대해 미 연방수사국(FBI) 때문이 아니라고 해체이유를 밝혔다.

룰즈섹 멤버는 이날 AP통신과 인터넷 전화 스카이프를 통한 인터뷰에서 "사법당국이 두려워서 해체하는 것이 아니다"라고 주장했다.

룰즈섹은 소니, 미 연방수사국, 중앙정보국, 미 상원의원의 웹사이트를 해킹했다고 주장했었다.

그는 "해킹을 멈출 수도 있지만 아직 결정한 것은 아니다"라며 "다른 멤버들의 장기 계획을 말할 수는 없지만 일부 멤버는 사인언톨로지 교회, 중동의 독재자, 음악 업계를 해킹하는 '아나너머스'와 함께 활동을 지속할 수도 있다"고 전했다.

그는 24일 인터뷰에서 현재 전 세계 정부당국으로부터 훔쳐낸 6기가 바이트가 넘는 양의 파일을 놓고 고심 중이라고 전하면서 앞으로 3주내에 그 자료들을 공개할 것이라고 덧붙였다.

(영문기사 원문)

LulzSec member says group is 'bored'

NEW YORK (AP) — A member of a publicity-seeking hacker group that sabotaged websites over the past two months and is dissolving itself says his group isn't disbanding under pressure from the FBI or enemy hackers.

"We're not quitting because we're afraid of law enforcement," the LulzSec member said in a conversation with The Associated Press over the Internet voice program Skype. "The press are getting bored of us, and we're getting bored of us."

The group's hacking has included attacks on law enforcement and releases of private data. It said unexpectedly on Saturday it was dissolving itself.

LulzSec claimed hacks on Sony and other major entertainment companies, FBI partner organizations, the CIA, the U.S. Senate and a pornography website.

He added that three or four of Lulz Security's members were taking what he called "a breather" and said he was considering giving up cyberattacks altogether.

"Maybe I'll stop this hacking thing entirely. I haven't decided," he said. He said he couldn't speak for the others' long-term plans, but said it was possible some of the members would continue to be involved with Anonymous, the much larger and more amorphous hacking group which has targeted the Church of Scientology, Middle Eastern dictatorships, and the music industry, among others.

He said the six-member group was still sitting on a considerable amount of stolen law enforcement files.

"It's safe to say at this point that they are sitting on a lot of data."

Although the hacker declined to identify himself publicly, he has verified his membership with Lulz Security by posting a pre-arranged message to the group's popular Twitter feed.

Lulz Security made its Saturday announcement about disbanding through its Twitter account. That statement gave no reason for the decision to disband.

The same LulzSec member was interviewed by The Associated Press on Friday, and gave no indication that its work was ending.

Kevin Mitnick, a security consultant and former hacker, said the group had probably concluded that the more they kept up their activities, the greater the chance that one of them would make some mistake that would enable authorities to catch them. They've inspired copycat groups around the globe, he noted, which means similar attacks are likely to continue even without LulzSec.

"They can sit back and watch the mayhem and not risk being captured," Mitnick said.

As a parting shot, LulzSec released a grab-bag of documents and login information apparently gleaned from gaming websites and corporate servers. The largest group of documents — 338 files — appears to be internal documents from AT&T Inc., detailing its buildout of a new wireless broadband network in the U.S. The network is set to go live this summer. A spokesman for the phone company could not immediately confirm the authenticity of the documents.

In the Friday interview, the LulzSec member said the group was sitting on at least 5 gigabytes of government and law enforcement data from across the world, which it planned to release in the next three weeks. Saturday's release was less than a tenth of that size.




김희광 기자 april4241@naver.com

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